As Sebastian fell back into the chair, Deanne rose from hers and said, “Dr. Masters, I believe at this juncture you are relieved of duty until everything is cleared up.” “With all due respect, Ms. Newman, Mr. Masters can go back to his house. His house is not a crime scene.” “I can,” Sebastian said with a surprising look, thinking that he’d have to stay at the dreaded hotel for a few more days. “I did not like the hotel,” he told Chief Hobs. “I’ll drive you there when you’re finished with your boss,” Chief Hobs offered. “Thank you,” Sebastian started, but cut short when Deanne stood from her chair and excused both men from her office; telling Sebastian that he had a leave of absence until further notice and if he wished, he could still write up reports. “I don’t think there’s a need to brush him off, Ms. Newman.” “It’s quite okay. I’ve made up my mind,” Deanne said, then looked at Sebastian. “You are excuse from all duties.”

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