“Then science had to be debunked. It would not work if too many people believed that man was causing climate change. That is where religion came into play. They had a few men eager for their own power who continued to fight to have the theory of evolution thrown out in favor of the belief in creationism. They wouldn’t even allow it to be a case of both being right and God’s time was different than men’s.
It became necessary for people to be divided into groups. It had to be them against us,” Jamie went on. “Without the division they could not hope to divide and conquer. Nor could they hope to get the country into a position for a takeover.”
“My Rebecca died because of greed?” Ben wanted to weep. Still, he kept his voice as low as possible. He needed answers.
“It was all greed and power, Ben.” Jamie stated. “Still they needed more. They needed to control the population, especially women.

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