“Hi Jane, it’s Amy, I’m sorry to bother you, but mom isn’t home yet. I just wondered if you knew if she had a showing tonight?” In her kitchen, Jane sat at her table and frowned. “She had a showing, but that was at four thirty. I thought she would have been to your place hours ago. Did you try calling her?” Amy nodded. “I did, but she didn’t answer. Do you have an address for that showing?” Standing, Jane moved to the counter and opened a drawer. “I have it right here, do you have a pen?” Reaching in front of her on the table, Amy grabbed a pen and a magazine that was laying there. “Yeah, I do, go ahead.” Amy wrote down the address on the corner of the magazine, nodding. “Thanks a lot Jane. I think I’ll drive out that way and see if I see mom’s car. Maybe she had a flat tire or something.” Both Amy and Jane knew that wasn’t a plausible excuse. Not with Christine having a cell phone, but neither wanted to mention that fact. Instead, Jane tried to sound upbeat. “I’m sure that’s what happened. Will you call me when you find out what’s happening?” Amy nodded. “I’ll do that. Thanks again Jane.”"
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