Coop ran ahead chasing after detective Sturgis. “What the hell!” He was livid at the detective’s suggestion.
“Sorry to shock you Mr. Bradley but our Friatino is not who he seems!” The detective explained
“stop being so damn cryptic and just tell me what you mean by all that!” Coop was practically yelling at the detective.
“Sit down Mr. Bradley and I’ll explain.”
Stomping his foot like a four-year-old having a tantrum, coop stood his ground staring Sturgis down and expecting an answer. “No! Just tell me dammit! He demanded
“come on Coop. Just listen to the detective.” Sarah implored
Coop looked at her and seem to accept that and sat down with Sarah holding his hand for support. She knew this was going to be hard for Coop to hear.
He cleared his throat “okay, sorry I freaked out detective. It’s just hard for me to imagine Al killing anyone.”
“I understand and as hard as it is to accept you have to know your best buddy is a mercenary.”
Coop shook his head in disbelief “a what?”
“He’s a mercenary. He actually works for the Omega faction their trained assassins and soldiers of fortune.” The detective explained
“so wait, he’s not really a sanitary engineer?”
“Well, that’s his day job but when needed he kills people for the faction.” Sturgis explained further.
“But why kill Todd? He’s not even a high ranking officer in the military what could possibly be gained by killing Ensign Weatherly?” Sarah wanted to know.
The detective turned to her and said “we’re still trying to figure that out Lieut. French.”
Coop shook his head again “Shit! So my best friend is a hired gun? How am I supposed to work with him. I’d be afraid to piss him off!”
The detective turned to him “you’ll have to try Mr. Bradley. You can’t let on that you know about him. He might act out and hurt you. We want to avoid that at all costs.”
Coop sighed “okay, I guess I’ll have to try but are you sure Al actually killed Ensign Weatherly?
“We heard some chatter and were investigating. You and Lieut. French are free to go and we have to let Al go for now but will be watching him.” The detective stated
Coop spoke up “you want me to keep an eye on him for you?”
“Absolutely not! You do not get involved Mr. Bradley. If he thinks he’s been made he may get desperate!”
“He’s right Coop.” Sarah stated. “Don’t get in the middle of this let the police handle Al.”
“Al? Is that even his real name? Does He not have a code name or an alias? Coop snorted
the detective shook his head “if he does, we don’t know yet. Were diving deep into his life will get him Mr. Bradley.”
Coop still didn’t want to believe all this was true but he said thanks anyway.
Sarah squeezed his hand “come on Coop. Let’s go back to the Romulus and get some food.”
“Okay but I also need a drink, maybe several
Sarah chuckled “that’s okay Coop. We’ll get through this okay
with that they left with the captain towing behind.
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