Sarah did our level best to keep you from getting totally wasted. However he
was quite inebriated when she put a stop to his drinking.
Sarah didn’t blame him for feeling sad or betrayed by his buddy she would’ve
felt the same
. “I feel like I need to get answers from Al Sarah “Coop slurred.
Sarah was holding his hand “I get it Coop but you can’t let on you double
life. It could be dangerous for you.”
“Yeah but working with him is going to be hard knowing what I know and not
being able to say anything.”
Just then, Al approached the table “Coop. Can we talk… Alone?”
Coop shook his head “whatever you say to me you could say in front of Sarah!”
Al looked between the two of them “oh so you two are an item now?” “Yeah you
could say that. But it’s got nothing to do with what you want to talk to me
about what so important Al?”
“Fine you’re being difficult, so I’ll just say this and go.” Al said
“say what you got to say and move on.” Coop was being unnecessarily nasty
but hope to get his point across that he had no time for traitors.
“Okay here it is I’m leaving the sanitation department. The powers that be
decided to let me go because of my being suspected of killing Ensign Weatherly.
They gave me a deal I either quit with a tidy severance package or be fired
with nothing so naturally I took the money and ran. I’ll be looking for other
work. But let me say this. I’ve enjoyed your friendship but it seems my recent
brush with the law has turned you off but God knows why!
“Sorry just the thought that you would have taken another man’s life without
a thought and for what reason kind of chilled me.” Coop answered
Sarah spoke up “well, good luck Al.”
Al shrugged “thanks Lieut. French I better go. The shuttle is leaving for
Beta station. I might be able to get workfare in the maintenance division and
the intergalactic police are keeping an eye on me. I have to stay in this
quadrant until I’m cleared of all charges.
“Yeah well good luck Al.” Coop stated with no emotion at all
“what? No bro hug or secret handshake?” Al snorted
“sorry but no.” He turned to Sarah “listen I’m beat. I’ll catch up with you
later. “Who kissed her cheek and walked away.
“What’s got his shorts in a wad?” Al asked
“Al, try to understand he’s been through a lot lately.”
“Like I haven’t? Al snorted again
“yes, you have but Coop is feeling extra pressure. He just found out he is
going to be a father.”
Al looked puzzled for a minute “really who?” Then it dawned on now “oh! You?”
Sarah nodded “yes me it was a surprise for both of us.” Sarah smiled
“jeez one night and Bam your Prego. Damn that was fast!” Al replied
“yes, but please understand I didn’t pressure him into anything it was his
decision to be involved. Then he finds out his best friend has been accused of
murder what does that due to a guy?
“ Al shook his head that never happened. I had no reason to kill your ex and
I don’t know why the police think so!” Al was vehement
Sarah thought to herself if what she heard was true from the police this guy
was putting on quite the act but said “so you say but obviously the police
believe otherwise or they wouldn’t be keeping an eye you would they?”
Al was turning a shade of red she hadn’t seen before “are you trying to turn
Coop against me Lieut.?”
Sarah shook her head “no Al. You’ve done a good enough job of that yourself.”