““Now, if we can only find this bloodsucker and move on with our lives,” he shook his head. “Des wants to come down here and bring everyone with him,” he told her and watched as her eyes widened. “But…we’re handling it!” she burst out, her entire body tensing. “We don’t need the whole damn Scooby Doo gang coming down here and getting in the way!” Her eyes spit fire as she spoke, and Marcus knew that it was because she didn’t want the leeway that they had already made put at risk. Brianna was fiercely independent and needed her space to work on these beings, in her own time….in her own way. “Besides, we can’t take the chance of anything happening to Abigail or Katrina! Did your brother forget that they happen to be carrying two very important children? We just can’t take the risk of putting them in danger with these bloodsuckers running around on the loose!” she huffed. “Believe me, my brother’s mate is always his first priority,” he replied. “And, I completely agree. I know we don’t need Des and Lucas to come charging down here with the testosterone flying. We are building trust now; we can’t take the chance of one of those hot heads ruining that.” He sighed and rubbed his hand over his eyes. “I believe that I have talked him out of it for the time being. But Des is… well, he’s stubborn and hates not being in control. He is a warrior by nature, and feels like he has to protect everyone.” “Well, you just tell him to put on his big girl panties and just give us a chance. We are making progress. We just can’t risk that right now.” Marcus burst into laughter. God, but he adored this woman! “I did,” he chuckled, “Just not in those specific words.” He could only imagine his brother's reaction if he had! “Okay. So, Shaggy and the gang are handled for the time being,” she said, the anger left her eyes and she grinned. “Now, we need to make our plans for tonight. I’m going to head over to Sebastian’s shop and see if he has found anything else out about the murder so the two of you will have the place to yourselves.””
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